Sunday, January 12, 2025

js new 1

When a JavaScript function is called, several things happen:

Function Creation Phase:

Before executing the function, JavaScript creates a scope for the function. During this phase, all variable and function declarations are "hoisted" to the top of their containing function or global scope. This means that variable and function declarations are processed first, but their assignments are not.

Execution Phase:

After hoisting, the JavaScript engine begins executing the code line by line.
What actually happens:
Hoisting Phase:

The var i declaration is hoisted to the top of the function x, but the assignment i = 5 remains in its place.

Hoisted Code: (Conceptual Representation):

3 Execution Phase:

The JavaScript engine executes the setTimeout function call, which schedules the console.log(i) to run after 1 second.

It then assigns 5 to the variable i.

Because of hoisting, the variable i is known to exist throughout the entire function x. This is why, when the setTimeout callback executes, it can access the value of i and logs 5.

To summarize: When a function is called, its entire code isn't executed first before starting execution. Instead, variable and function declarations are hoisted to the top of their scope, and then the code is executed line by line. This process ensures that variable i is accessible within the setTimeout callback.

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